Charborough Road Primary School


School Uniform

School uniform celebrates our school’s identity and is strongly supported and encouraged.

Our school colour is electric blue which can be worn with shorts, skirts and trousers. You can purchase our school uniform items (listed below) directly from our supplier (click here) We are happy for you to purchase items without logos from other suppliers. Our Friends of School also have a wide selection of second hand uniform available. These are sold at all main events  and can be made available at other times by contacting them on

Please label all uniform and equipment with your child's name.

For reasons of health and safety we do not allow any jewellery to be worn in school, other than watches (not ‘smart’ watches) and stud earrings. Children with pierced ears should only wear studs, and these must be removed during PE lessons and swimming.

Nail varnish and temporary tattoos are not allowed in school.

Our PE kit is outlined below. All children are expected to bring a complete change of clothes for these lessons.

 Sweatshirt Embroidered (CRS)

PE Kit

White t shirt

Black shorts

Black tracksuit

Black daps/trainers